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My philosophy is simple; change your loop, change your life. I have been studying holistic nutrition my entire life and hold my Master's in clinical nutrition and integrative health. For the past 30 years, I have been a personal trainer and nutritional coach to clients ranging from ironman athletes to autistic children. This has allowed me to fine tune my customized programs- these are not a quick fix diet plan but a complete shift in lifestyle. Connecting seemingly random dots and providing a new perspective on chronic conditions has been the cornerstone of my practice. Through them, clients will achieve drastic transformations with how they look and more importantly with how they feel. The smallest change can create a cascade of incredible healing and to observe this fundamental shift has been a thrill and honor. I have discovered the intense connection that food has on the brain and studied how food allergies and sensitivities cause severe symptoms like anxiety and depression. My programs are for all; all athletic abilities, all body types, and all stages of life. Transformation through nutrition has been my passion and love for many years and I want to help change your loop to change your life. 

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